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  • Following in her footsteps: Mother and Son Deploy

    Patricia Haynes and her son, Colton Haynes, met for their first Sunday meal in many months in early 2020 with discussion the work of the day and catching up on what happened since their last get together.

  • Weather Whether Flight or Fight

    Practice makes perfect! Ten members of the 156th Weather Flight conduct a portion of their annual position qualification training in both weather skills and Army warrior skills while at their regional training site, April 11, 2021.The 156th Weather Flight, while supporting the North Carolina Air

  • Her Hair Story

    Women’s History month this year has special meaning for women of the Air Force. As of February 10, 2021, changes were implemented to AFI 36-3093; changes allowing Air Force women to, “free the bun,” and wear their hair in up to two braids, or a single ponytail with bulk not exceeding the width of

  • 145th Airlift Wing Gains new Command Chief Master Sergeant

    Service members of the 145th Airlift Wing welcomed their new Command Chief Master Sgt. William R. Harper, Jr. during an Change of Authority ceremony on March 6, 2021 at the North Carolina Air National Guard Base, Charlotte Douglas International Airport.

  • Pack It up!

    Air Conditioning Units, mobile stairs, and military trucks; oh my! Airmen assigned to the 145th Airlift Wing complete a Cargo Deployment Function exercise at the North Carolina Air National Guard Base located at the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, Feb. 7, 2021.

  • Recruiting the Future and Living the Dream

    While the world might consider 2020 to be a bad year, there is one member of the North Carolina Air National Guard who used it to excel, that person was Technical Sergeant Nikki Morgan, a Recruiter with the 145th Force Support Squadron. Technical Sergeant Morgan was recently recognized and coined

  • 2020 Cannot Quell Claus

    Although it may look a little different this year, the people of the North Carolina Air National Guard gather at Oakboro Elementary School in Stanly County, N.C. to hand out food baskets and presents to students and their families of the elementary school during an annual Operation Santa Claus