Current as of June 16, 2020
1.. Must be a current member-in-good-standing of the NCANG. (The FAFRC does not make grants to retired members.)
2. The requesting member must fill out the current one-page “REV-3 PANDEMIC INDIVIDUAL GRANT REQUEST.” (dated 3-26-2020)
*Please use the REV-3 Request Form. Using any other form may cause a delay in the approval process.
3. The request must be made with the knowledge and approval of the unit commander and first sergeant.
4. A member can apply more than once.
5. These Pandemic associated grant checks are written directly to the Airman.
6 In the case of a deployed NCANG Airman, a check could be written directly to an immediate family member such as a spouse.
7. Once a completed request is received it can usually be approved and a check written and mailed within 24-28 hours.
Please use the REV-3 Request Form. Using any other form may cause a delay in the approval process.