145th Airlift Wing Staff

The 145th Airlift Wing Staff is a dynamic organization dedicated to supporting all wing members with essential base-wide services. From Legal and Religious Support to Safety, Equal Opportunity, Public Affairs, Psychological Health, Comptroller Services, and Human Resource Advisor; the staff ensures members have access to critical resources that drive mission success.

Unit Crest

Logo of the 145th Airlift Wing. A globe being circled by a wright brothers flyer on a blue field. The crest is outlined in gold and the words 145th Airlift Wing are written below.

145th Comptroller Flight

145th Comptroller Flight, financial managers and comptroller specialists oversee accounting systems, ensure responsible fund utilization, and maintain financial integrity. From managing budgets and processing payments to conducting audits, they play a critical role in ensuring efficient and effective financial operations.

Judge Advocate General

Judge Advocates, or “JAGs,” are uniformed military attorneys serving as part of the Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps. These officers provide legal counsel to Air Force commanders, represent the Air Force in litigation, and handle a wide range of legal matters essential to mission success.

145th Airlift Wing PA

The Air National Guard Public Affairs (ANG PA) supports mission success by delivering accurate and strategic communication to domestic and international audiences. By providing timely information and imagery, ANG PA enhances understanding of operations, counters adversarial propaganda, and advances ANG priorities to achieve national and operational objectives.

245th Civil Engineer Flight

The 245th Civil Engineering Flight is one of only five specialized engineering units in the Air National Guard. It supports Major and Combatant Commands with Command Staff Augmentation and delivers technical expertise in planning, design, and construction management.