
N.C. Air National Guard: "Best Part-Time Job In America"

We are currently recruiting for Tactical Air Control Party (1C4X1), Air Traffic Control and Weather Forecaster, and Para Legal (5J0X1). To find out if you qualify please call one of our recruiters at 1-800-354-6933.
Enjoy benefits including: Extra Cash, Money for College, Cash Incentives, Life Insurance, Dental Insurance, Free Retirement, Training, Travel, Accredited Associate
Degree Program, VA Home Loans and more!

Seeking Air Traffic Controllers & Maintainers

The 235th Air Traffic Control Squadron  is currently seeking Radar, Airfield & Weather Systems craftsmen.

For additional information contact TSgt Jacob Turcotte at 704-422-2467,

Seeking Qualified C-17 pilots:

For questions concerning your application package or eligibility please contact Lt. Col. Jason Bondurant at 

Education Benefits

Up to $4500 a year for tuition and books if you attend Colleges or Universities in the state of North Carolina.

State Retirement Benefit

When a member has 15 years of service in the NCNG they become eligible for a state retirement of $99.00 a month for 20 years of military service and an additional $9.90 per month for each year over 20 years maxing out at $198.00 for 30 years of service.

Medical Benefits

Expenses paid while on state duty, field training or in drill status.

State Tax Advantage

Your entire military benefit is excluded from N.C. taxes ONLY if you qualify under the Bailey decision...5 years of vested service as of August 12, 1989.

Group Insurance

Group life insurance coverage up to $50,000 for unit members, $25,000 for Spouses and $10,000 for each child thru the N.C. National Guard Association.

Members can also purchase Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) in increments of $50,000 up to $400,000.

Tactical Air Control Party (TACP)

A photo of a TACP in full battle gear holding an M4 rifle There are few things that can change the course of battle like a properly executed air strike. As members of Air Force Special Operations, Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) specialists imbed with Army and Marine units on the frontline with the incredible responsibility of calling in an air strike on the right target at just the right time. These highly trained experts go through intense physical, mental and technical training in order to withstand the demanding conditions of battle and provide their team with the firepower they need for continued success on the battlefield.

If you are interested in joining the TACP contact a recruiter above.


Click Here for Frequently Asked Career Questions.

Click Here for Recruiter Contact Information.