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  • Maintainers Learning at Every Turn and Torque

    A few months have passed since the April conversion from the C-130 Hercules aircraft to the C-17 Globemaster III aircraft, and members of the 145th Maintenance Group have wasted no time training as many of their Airmen as possible. The Monday following the official conversion they initiated a 90 day

  • The C-17 Journey Starts in Charlotte

    An 18-month journey of change came to a head when two C-17 Globemaster III aircraft landed and taxied onto the ramp for a welcoming crowd of over 2,500 distinguished guests, Airmen, retirees, family and friends for an Arrival Ceremony. The ceremony honored not only the arrival, but also the

  • At the Leading Edge of Conversion

    At the forefront of conversion efforts, Airmen of the 145th Maintenance Group are training to receive the C-17 Globemaster III in April and keep the aircraft in flight. Preparations are not limited to formal schools, and maintenance Airmen are taking the initiative to train others at the North