NCANG Loadmaster Achieves 12,500 Flying Hour Milestone Published Jan. 10, 2010 By Lt. Col. Jeff Perryman 145th AW Safety Office Charlotte, N.C. -- Chief Master Sergeant Andrew Huneycutt is a patriot. For the last twenty-nine years he has served as a loadmaster in the 156th Airlift Squadron of the 145th Airlift Wing, North Carolina Air National Guard. He is currently the Loadmaster Supervisor for the squadron, responsible for the recruiting, training, and evaluating of the best Loadmaster Section in the C-130 force. Recently, Chief Huneycutt, Andy to his friends, reached a flying hour milestone of 12,500 hours. To put that in perspective, that's over 17 months airborne, nearly a year and a half. The time, commitment, and dedication required to reach such a mark reflects on the type of person the Chief is to those he leads and serves. Chief Huneycutt enlisted in the NCANG in January 1980. He completed basic loadmaster training in April of that year and has been doing it ever since. The statement of "anytime, anywhere" certainly applies to the Chief. He has flown missions in our state, around the country, and around the world. Panama, the Pacific, Germany, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, you name the place and the Chief has probably been there at least once. He has been an integral part of the MAFFS (Modular Aerial Fire Fighting System) operations in the NCANG with fire fighting deployments too numerous to mention. Whether airdropping a road grader, assuring the safe exit of paratroopers, putting 3000 gallons of fire retardant on target, or off-loading at a combat LZ, the Chief brings an expertise and professionalism to his work that should make all C-130 aircrew proud. Chief Huneycutt has already been recognized for his flying and leadership skills many times. With several Air Medals to his credit, the ribbons on his blues only tell part of the story. His promotion to Chief Master Sergeant in 2008 was merely a continuation of his career as an NCO role model, loadmaster evaluator, and dedicated member of the North Carolina Air National Guard. Upon reaching this unique and distinguished milestone of 12,500 flying hours, Chief Huneycutt received a personal letter of recognition from General Arthur J. Lichte, the AMC Commander. We in the 156th Airlift Squadron and 145th Airlift Wing would like to add our congratulations and wish Chief Huneycutt many more years of safe flying, blue skies, and loads clear!